I am overwhelmed and appreciative when I see reviews coming from my life coaching clients. No, I am not questioning myself, but they make my life worthwhile. “Janna Yeshanova is immediately safe, disarming, and inspiring. Janna saved my life. She…
I am overwhelmed and appreciative when I see reviews coming from my life coaching clients. No, I am not questioning myself, but they make my life worthwhile. “Janna Yeshanova is immediately safe, disarming, and inspiring. Janna saved my life. She…
85% of professionals experience career stagnation at some point. Architecting your profession intentionally with the help of a life coach can help.
03 04 14 WTTE TV28 10PM Local Connection to Crimea – Interview with Janna Yeshanova Janna shares her thoughts and memories on Crimea and her exodus as described in Love Is Never Past Tense…
When it comes to coaching others through their personal and professional lives, Upper Arlington resident and small-business owner Janna Yeshanova brings a world of experience to the table.Yeshanova is the CEO of Life-Spark LLC, which provides life coaching sessions, corporate…
Most people learn to ride a bike as a kid… Not me! I’ve heard that 80 % of the time people have negative thoughts. Once in a while, I agree with them ! Wondering: what would’ve happened if they would’ve…
On a sunny day several years ago, I entered a little beauty product store. I was greeted by a beautiful young lady who was about to say goodbye to her teenage years. You hardly could claim her as a woman.…
I am listening, on the phone and Skype, to friends who live in Crimea. Some of them are ethnic Russians, some Ukrainians, some western Ukrainians… Everybody has a different vision on current events in Crimea, everybody has a different agenda,…
How could he possibly know that she, a complete stranger, would inexplicably affect his life and be with him forever, whether she was at his side or not? Drawn together in Russia on a romantic Black Sea beach, Serge and…