Get What You Want!

Goal Setting / Problem Solving

goal_page_imgGoal Setting is the first step in turning your dreams into reality.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.

Abraham Lincoln

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney

Evaluating Your Goals

  • Are you making the progress you want on your goals?
  • Do you have clear plans and actions to support your goals?
  • Do you know how to measure progress toward your goals?
  • Do you know how to choose what to do in any situation?
  • Are your priorities consistent with your goals?
  • Do you know why you have chosen your goals?

If you answered No to two or more questions, contact us!

Obstacles / Opportunities

  • Are you making choices based on the expectations of others?
  • Are you building internal walls made of past mistakes?
  • Are you avoiding change because you are afraid to fail?
  • Do you tend to make choices based on what is right in front of you?
  • Do you experience doubt and discouragement when you are thinking about your future?

If you answered Yes to two or more questions, contact us!

Having a Vision and Mission for the Future is a fundamental force that drives everything in your life. It is similar to putting a puzzle together. Unless you know what the puzzle looks like when it is completed, you don’t know where to begin. This workshop explores the characteristics of written goals, studies an easy goal analysis process, and gives you the tools to develop action-oriented steps to achieve your goals. You’ll identify why you need to set goals, where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.

What You Get

You’ll acquire Problem Solving techniques to overcome obstacles, as well as the secrets and benefits of achieving your goals.

Best of all, you’ll find the answers to:

  • How to remove barriers to productive problem solving?
  • What essential things are needed for productive problem solving?
  • What are the best tips for productive problem solving?
  • What is an easy way to stay on track to my goal?

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